Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year and Are We There Yet?

If there is not a new baby in our home in exactly one month, I'll be scheduled for a C section. I find it particularly silly to be so focused on avoiding the dreaded slice and dice, rather than on the fact that I'm choosing to go through another potential heinous labor. The recovery from Warren's birth took so long and was so painful even 30+ hours of unmedicated labor sounds like a way better option.

The Xmas and New Years holidays were delightful. Lots of down time with family, and aside from the fact that my 10-days of vacation turned into 10-days straight of working from home (and one day in office), it was really nice to have a lot of unstructured time.

Everyone was so thoughtful and awesome in their gift giving this year. Every gift was perfect for every recipient, without a whole lot of "I guess I have to get you something.... so here" going on.

Since Warren is now 2, and thus allowed to watch TV... Xtian and I started his video collection. For his birthday we gave him a compilation DVD of Schoolhouse Rock, and for his birthday, Season One of the Muppet Show (you remember, the variety show circa 1974?). I'm hoping to start nurturing his rapier-wit and love of ridiculous musical numbers. Also, I hope this will stave off the horrible "Dora/Barney/Whatever godawful shows are on for kids these days" viewing that I know is inevitable. I just want to postpone it for a few more years.

I'm not really much for new years resolutions. I tend to be a year round goal setting type person, and I haven't forgotten my little life-goal list on the side here. Just taking longer than I planned on a few. Luckily, come February I'll be able to cross at least one of them off the list. That being said, I would like to reflect on my cooking resolution from 2009, and start a new one.

I like to cook, and I'm usually pretty good at it. I've always been terrified of baking, it just seems too technical and precise for me. So, in 2009 I challenged myself to dive into baking. A few less-than-perfect products gave way to some pretty damned good baking. Cookies, all manner of breads (including the braided challah I gave to family for Christmas) cakes and cupcakes. I haven't started any pastry making yet... but I'm not afraid of it anymore. For 2010, I would like to challenge myself to learn to make cheese. From a quick mozzarella to more advanced aged cheeses, I'd like to be able to pull out a wheel of cheese and know that I created that. Sounds like fun, eh?


Faith said...

Making...cheese? You do know that they sell that stuff at the store, right?


I started baking cookies from scratch this past year, and I think it'll take me a looo-hooong time to get to breads at all. If ever. The cookies themselves were a big step, since I hadn't attempted anything like that since 7th grade. So I'm taking things slow. (And I'll continue to get my yummy aged cheeses at Whole Foods, thanks. I can't even imagine the kind of catastrophe that would bring on my kitchen if I attempted it!)

jen breese said...

Mmm Cheese! That is a brilliant idea m'dear! I can't wait to taste your first good one. :)

Squeeeee, I'm excited about a healthy new baby to love. I just found out from a coworker that they are pregnant too and due in August. Everyone is having kids. :)

meghan said...

Are you sure you don't belong in Wisconsin, cheese lady?

Awesome Warren presents. Can you be my mom?

Also, I have a package that's ready to send, if I ever haul myself through the cold and snow to the post office. (Yeah, that's probably the answer to my first question).