Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's a Captain Kind of night.

Damn it, I'm wrecked. I'm feeling totally run down and drained. I'm good all day, then the second I get home, it's all I can do to sit upright. Clearly, more rum is the answer.

Yeah, I'm way lame these days. But, I challenged myself to write everyday, even if it's complete garbage, so yeah. Never let it be said I backed down from a challenge. That I imposed on myself for no particular reason. hmmm.


meghan said...

dude i just posted a blog about being thankful for baby monkeys, but then again i'm severely jet lagged. that excuse won't last long for me though...

no seriously, what helped me start meeting my blogging goals was to assign a couple of themes to different days (monday munchies, thankful tuesdays, etc.) so at least 3/7 or so days i had a go-to.

jen breese said...

Totally a Captain Night. I'm wacked too. :)

I don't mind the posts. It is just good to know what yer up too. (yah, that's not stalkerish)

Coley said...

Not even a little Jen. If you start asking about what I'm wearing... well then we might have to have a talk.