Friday, April 25, 2008

Dear Mean Russian Lady,

Yes. I have a zit on my forehead. Thanks for pointing it out.


Anonymous said...

Seriously, I love you guys. This is just delightful. THIS? This is why I write these things.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I need to know more background on the Mean Russian Lady. Feeling left out ovah here!

Anonymous said...

Mean Russian Lady is simply that, a mean russian woman in my office. She's also the one who asked if I was pregnant about 6 months before I was. (My response? "Nope, just fat....apparently.")
Just amazing that she's live in the US for at least 40 years, yet hasn't managed to pick up on normal social graces, like don't tell people how bad their skin is, and don't ask if someone is pregnant. They'll tell you when it's time for you to know.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, ok. I remember her. She needs a kick in the taco to help her figure out appropriate behavior, if I recall correctly...