Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Xtian's Birthday Weekend Extravaganza Continues!

So, I may have mentioned that rather than religion, I believe in Birthdays. I think everyone deserves to have one day a year during which their every desire is met. One day where everything goes their way.

Since Xtian's birthday falls on a Monday, and I have to work, like a sucker, I've declared this entire weekend as Xtian's Birthday Extravaganza. So far, a variety of beer of his choosing, cosmopolitans, as he desired, breakfast of mushroom and rosemary omelet, stuffed shells, Taco Bell, UFC on the teevee and a few other items I will leave out for decency sake.
Tomorrow there will be Steak and cheesy baked mashed potatoes, followed by a gallon of Ben and Jerry's Cinnamon Bun Ice Cream, and maybe some illicit marital time at some point. Huzzah! You see? We all win during birthday time.

Then, in a week, he'll be off for a day of throwing himself down Mt. Shasta, babyfree!

Oh, and he had two promising interviews on Thursday, and we should be hearing soon. While I'll miss my stay-at-home-husband, we really could use some financial stability. So, if everyone could keep some fingers crossed for us, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Ok, It is now nearly midnight and I'm totally wrecked. I'm going to go pass out in bed. Stupid waking up at 6:30 am on a Saturday. What the hell?


jen breese said...

Awesome on the promising interviews! I'll totally keep him in good thoughts and all that rot. :)

Sounds like a stellar bday weekend. I found the perfect bday card for him of a drunk dog standing on his head. Of course, I won't mail it until tomorrow so it will be late. Ah well.

I hope the weekend was all you thought it would be. hehe

Faith said...


That all sound perfect to me. I hope you get equally as good of treatment for your birthday, Coley! You certainly deserve it.